Education Center

Manage My Cards

Staying in control of your cards is easier than ever. Our powerful card controls offer you an all-in-one dashboard for managing your cards and how they are used, viewing your transactions, and staying informed.

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Online Banking

Online Banking is our online service that allows you to access your account information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Using Online Banking, you can view real-time account balances, check images, and transaction histories. You have 24-hour access to your checking, loans, CDs and are able to transfer funds between accounts!

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Online Bill Pay

Pay Virtually Anyone! From the local bakery to a Fortune 500 Company, even your babysitter. In the Payment Center you can pay anyone in the United States that you would normally pay by check or automatic debit, receive some of your bills online, and set up automatic payments. Online Bill Pay is completely safe - more secure than mailing paper checks!

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Mobile Banking

First Fidelity Bank’s Mobile Banking is an internet based service that delivers the convenience of online banking to your mobile device. Mobile Banking allows you to perform banking related transactions from your phone 24/7. Use First Fidelity Bank’s mobile banking with complete confidence. It delivers the highest level of security thanks to multiple layers of authentication.

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Mobile Deposit

Remember when you had to come to us to make a deposit? Not anymore! Bank when and where you want with Mobile Deposit all you need is a web-enabled phone with a camera. It's secure and making a deposit is as easy as taking a picture.